Whats the best vm for windows 10
Whats the best vm for windows 10

whats the best vm for windows 10

This VM is a good candidate for applications with a high memory and low CPU demands. Customers can benefit from the CPU banking and crediting model of this burstable VM when the CPU is not utilized intensively. The Bs-series VM is a cost-efficient burstable virtual machine. These virtual machines are suitable for scenarios like batch processing, web servers, analytics, and gaming. The F-series sizes are based Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8272CL processor (second generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors), Intel® Xeon® 8171M 2.1GHz (Skylake), Intel® Xeon® E5-2673 v4 2.3 GHz (Broadwell), or the Intel® Xeon® E5-2673 v3 2.4 GHz (Haswell) processor. The F-series virtual machines feature 2-GiB RAM and 16 GiB of local SSD temporary storage per CPU core and are optimized for compute intensive workloads. This VM has a vCore to core overcommit ratio of 2 vCPUs to 1 Core. The F-series VM is optimized for Compute workloads and therefore has a lower vCPU to vMEM ratio compared to the previous D-series specified above. The D1-5 v2 sizes offer a balanced combination of vCPU(s), memory, and local disk for most production workloads. The Dsv2-series virtual machines run on the Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8272CL processor (second generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors), Intel® Xeon® 8171M 2.1GHz (Skylake), Intel® Xeon® E5-2673 v4 2.3 GHz (Broadwell), or the Intel® Xeon® E5-2673 v3 2.4 GHz (Haswell) processors with the Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0. There is a vCore to core overcommit ratio of 1 vCPUs to 1 Core. This VM has less vMEM compared to the Dsv3-series.

whats the best vm for windows 10

The only difference here is that hyperthreading is not used on the physical CPU. It uses the same underlying CPUs as the Dsv3-series.


The Dsv2-series VM is the older brother of the Dsv3 series VM. The Dsv3-series sizes offer a combination of vCPU(s), memory, and temporary storage well suited for most production workloads. The Dsv3-series support premium storage and run on the Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8272CL processor (second generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors), Intel® Xeon® 8171M 2.1GHz (Skylake), Intel® Xeon® E5-2673 v4 2.3 GHz (Broadwell), or the Intel® Xeon® E5-2673 v3 2.4 GHz (Haswell) processors with Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 and feature Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology. There is a vCore to core overcommit ratio of 2 vCPUs to 1 Core. This virtual machine is using hyperthreading, so all the vCores are scheduled on the lCores of the physical CPU. The number of cores compared to the virtual memory is in balance and usable for a EUC workloads. The Dsv3-series VM is, from a vCPU and vMEM-ratio, a good candidate for EUC workloads. For this research the following SKUs are selected for validation:


With the Azure lock-in of Windows 10 multi-session, the choice of hardware resources is limited to the virtual machine and storage SKUs available on the Azure platform. The advantage of this IaaS approach is that the customer does not need to manage the whole virtualization stack since this is the responsibility of the cloud service provider. In example, the choice of CPU-types on the Azure-platform are limited. The downside of this approach is that the customer is limited to the hardware of the underlying cloud platform. The cloud provider manages the platform and gives the customer some compute and storage choices (SKUs). When using an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) from a cloud platform, there is no control what happens at the platform level. This is what is done for the last decennia and knowing best. The most efficient and fancy hardware could be selected for optimizing EUC workloads and the user experience. When building an on-premises platform, there are variety of options regarding the hardware. Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine SKU Sizes

whats the best vm for windows 10

But, what is the best virtual machine size for the WVD workload? This research will answer that specific question. This new Windows 10 multi-session operating system is only allowed to run on the Microsoft Azure-platform. Microsoft calls this operating system “Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session”. With the release of the Windows Virtual Desktop service (WVD) on Azure, Microsoft has released a new Windows 10 operating system which can host multiple user sessions on the same virtual machine. Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine SKU Sizes.

Whats the best vm for windows 10